The Corel Presentation Exchange file format is the presentation format of the CorelSuite applications. It is a recording of the display primitives of an application to a display interface. The CMX format supports Intel and Motorola binary formats.
CMX adopts the Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF). The entire CMX file is enclosed within either the RIFF or RIFX form, depending on the platform. 
The default extension used by this format is: CMX.
This file format is supported by CorelDraw.
Blaze ImgConvert supports versions 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this format.
This file format does support layers. Blaze ImgConvert does not support RImage.
Blaze ImgConvert can load the following objects: BeginLayer 11, BeginPage 9, BeginParagraph 99, BeginProcedure 17, BeginTextGroup 72, BeginTextObject 70, BeginTextStream 20, CharInfo 101, Characters 102, DrawImage 69, DrawChars 65, Ellipse 66, EndEmbedded 23, EndGroup 14, EndLayer 12, EndPage 10, EndParagraph 100, EndSection 18, EndTextGroup 73, EndTextObject 71, EndTextStream 21, JumpAbsolute 111, PolyCurve 67, Rectangle 68, SetCharStyle 85, SimpleWideText 86, and TextFrame 98.
For CMX files, you can read the following bits per pixel: 24.